You can return any item within 14 days of receipt for a refund or exchange.
The items returned must be in original condition and all returns will be inspected upon receipt by ourselves, if we deem any of the items returned to not be in a re-saleable condition your refund will not be processed and you will be contacted.
Milkboy Clothing will not be be responsible for refunding any original postage costs, nor any postage costs incurred when returning items, unless we are at fault for anything throughout the order process.
We will refund directly to you via PayPal within 7 days or earlier once we have inspected the returned item(s) and are satisfied that it has been returned to us in the condition it was when first delivered to you.
The goods are your responsibility until they reach ourselves, please ensure you package the items carefully to prevent any damage to the items or boxes. We are not responsible for any items that are returned to us in error.
We recommend you use a secure delivery method which requires a signature upon receipt (such as Royal Mail First Class Recorded Delivery). This insures you for the cost of the items being returned, as in the rare event of the parcel going missing you are responsible for the returned products until they reach us.
Please contact us for Return details.
The above does affect your statutory rights as a customer.